Japanese Society of Nephrology



JSN News 2011

#263 Obituary
#262 Online Academy (OLA)
#261 The 16th International Congress on Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ICRNM) in Honolulu
#260 Call for Abstracts for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
#259 The guideline for IgG4-related kidney
#258 Flooding disaster in Thailand
#257 The 41st JSN Eastern and Western Regional Meetings were held successfully
#256 A new online journal, CEN Case Reports will be launched
#255 The 16th ISRNM in Hawaii
#254 Global Kidney Academy (GKA)
#253 Clinical and Experimental Nephrology has got its first impact factor
#252 The 54th JSN General Scientific Meeting will be held as scheduled
#251 The 41st JSN Western Regional Meeting
#250 The 41st JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
#249 The 4th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference
#248 The 5th Asian Forum of CKD initiative


  (Updated on Dec.26.2011)

We lost following honorable members this year.
Dr. Nobuhide Mimura (Tokyo) die on July 10, 2011.
Dr. Soitsu Fukuchi (Miyagi) died on August 22, 2011.
Dr. Gakuji Nomura (Ishikawa) died on September 12, 2011.
JSN express sincere thanks to them and acknowledge the contribution to the society.

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Online Academy (OLA)

  (Updated on Dec.12.2011)

Welcome to the Global Kidney Academy's exciting new educational portal.
The Online Academy (OLA) is an exciting new development in web-based nephrology learning. We strongly hope you will explore the website and use it as an integral part of your professional development. Follow our blog to get the latest literature updates, join our discussion forum to chat with the GKA faculty about clinical problems or use our learning zone and library to keep yourself up to date.
We are hope you will find OLA interactive, informative and most importantly fun!


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The 16th International Congress on Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ICRNM) in Honolulu

  (Updated on Dec.05.2011)
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the upcoming 16th International Congress on Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ICRNM) in Honolulu, Hawaii, during 26-30 June 2012. As in the past 30 years, this bi-annual congress is organized by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM). This year's local host of the congress is the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii (NKFH). The congress is also co-sponsored by the Council of Renal Nutrition (CRN) along with other national and international societies & organizations. Hence, the 2012 congress is the 1st World Renal Nutrition Week.


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Call for Abstracts for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nephrology

  (Updated on Nov.28.2011)
The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nephrology will be held on June 1 (Fri) - June 3 (Sun), 2012 in Yokohama. The convention venue is Pacifico Yokohama. Professor Kimio Tomita, M.D., Ph.D. Professor, Department of Nephrology, Kumamoto University, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: "Dreams and Creativity in Nephrology"---From Basic Science to Community-based Medical Cooperation---. The Committee of the 55th Annual Meeting of the JSN encourages abstract submission widely from overseas. All the abstracts submitted are rated and selected for presentation by the Committee. The abstract is only submitted by online at http://jsn55.umin.jp/en/.

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The guideline for IgG4-related kidney

  (Updated on Nov.14.2011)

The working group of the Japanese Society of Nephrology for IgG4-related kidney disease has developed a guideline and published it as "Proposal for diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related kidney disease" in Clinical Experimental Nephrology (volume 15, number 5, page 615-626, 2011),http://www.springerlink.com/content/j6558427333w62n6/. The working group is collecting the cases, and will examine the guideline.

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Flooding disaster in Thailand

  (Updated on Oct.27.2011)

The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) and the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) have send the following mail to the Nephrology Society of Thailand.

Dear Prof. Tungsanga
President, the Nephrology Society of Thailand

On behalf of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) and the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN), we sincerely express our deep concerns on the current disaster in your country.

We, Japanese people, have just experienced history's worst earthquake and subsequent tsunami and nuclear accident, and have received wholehearted support from all over the world, especially from your country. We are fully aware of the difficult medical situation, in particular dialysis treatment both HD and PD, and of the hard times you are facing to reconstruct so much destruction and to recover your lives. At the same
time, we strongly feel to do something for your people and patients.

We, nephrologists, have also been intimate friends through the regional activity of AFCKDI and APSN, and now is the time for helping each other. We, the Executive Committee of the JSDT and JSN are discussing how we can help you. We found a priority to convey to all the colleagues nephrologists in Thailand the warm support and affection from all the Japanese nephrologists and dialysis physicians in Japan.

Please do not hesitate to ask me for any specific support you might need. We will do our best to help you.

With our warmest regards and best wishes for a quick recovering,

Oct 26, 2011

Tadao Akizawa President of JSDT
Hirofumi Makino President of JSN

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The 41st JSN Eastern and Western Regional Meetings were held successfully

  (Updated on Oct.24.2011)
The 41st JSN Western Regional Meeting was held on September 30 (Friday) to October 1 (Saturday) 2011 in Tokushima. 815 participants gathered to listen to the 240 presentations over the two-day conference held at Awagin Hall at Tokushima Arts Foundation For Culture. The 41st JSN Eastern Regional Meeting was held on October 14 (Friday) to 15 (Saturday) 2011 in Shinjuku, Tokyo. 1620 participants gathered to listen to the 394 presentations over the two-day conference held at the Keio Plaza Hotel.

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A new online journal, CEN Case Reports will be launched

  (Updated on Sep.12.2011)

The Japanese Society of Nephrology has launched the Clinical and Experimental Nephrology Case Reports (CEN Case Reports), a new online journal dedicated exclusively to case reports. So, the JSN has two official english journals; "Clinical and Experimental Nephrology" and "CEN Case Reports". CEN will not accept any case report after September 1,2011.
CEN Case Reports will be published twice a year, and the first issue will be published on March of 2012.
We welcome your submissions. You can submit a case report after September 1, 2011 at http://www.jsn.or.jp/journal/. The authors should not pay to publish their submissions, within three pages.

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The 16th ISRNM in Hawaii

  (Updated on Sep.05.2011)

Please see the following PDF files:

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Global Kidney Academy (GKA)

  (Updated on Jul.25.2011)
The Global Kidney Academy (GKA) has launched today its new Educational Portal the OnLine Academy (OLA) [http://www.gkaonlineacademy.com/] for free and open worldwide access.

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Clinical and Experimental Nephrology has got its first impact factor

  (Updated on Jun.30.2011)
Finally, Clinical and Experimental Nephrology, the official journal of Japanese Society of Nephrology, has got its first impact factor. The 2010 impact factor for Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is 1.460, according to the ISI Journal Citation Reports. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology ranks 46 among 69 journals in the field of Urology and Nephrology. The 2010 impact factor represents the number of citations in 2010 of papers published in 2008 and 2009, divided by the total number of citable papers published in 2008 and 2009.

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The 54th JSN General Scientific Meeting will be held as scheduled

  (Updated on May.30.2011)
The 54th JSN General Scientific Meeting will be held as scheduled on June 15 (Wednesday) to June 17 (Friday) 2011 in Yokohama. We experienced a big Earthquake on March 11th in the Eastern Part of Japan. Professor Sei Sasaki, president of the meeting, has struggled to prepare the meeting as scheduled. This meeting is joined with the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT). The special symposium on "Dialysis Treatment and the Big Earthquake" will be held. We hope to have many participants from many countries. More information about this meeting is available at: http://square.umin.ac.jp/jsn54/en/index.html.

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The 41st JSN Western Regional Meeting

  (Updated on Apr.11.2011)

The 41st JSN Western Regional Meeting will be held on September 30(Friday) to October 1 (Saturday) 2011 in Tokushima. The convention venue is Awagin Hall at Tokushima Arts Foundation For Culture.
Professor T. Doi,Tokushima University, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the
meeting: "clinical practice to basic science".
Get-together party will be held at the Sistine Hall in Otsuka Museum of Art. More information about this meeting is available at: kidney@clin.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp.

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The 41st JSN Eastern Regional Meeting

  (Updated on Apr.04.2011)
The 41st JSN Eastern Regional Meeting will be held on October 14 (Friday) to 15 (Saturday) 2011 in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The convention venue is the Kio Plaza Hotel. The president of the meeting is Professor A Yamada, Kyorin University. Two symposium will be held; 1) Kidney diseases in collagen diseases and vasculitis diseases, and 2) The linkage between kidney and other organs. Two workshops will be held; 1) clinical practice of CKD and hypertension, and 2) new therapeutic approach to glomerulonephritis. More information about this meeting is available at: jsntobu41@mtoyou.jp.

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The 4th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference

  (Updated on Feb.21.2011)
The 4th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference will be held on March 12, Saturday in Tokyo, Japan. The venue is Toshi-Center Hotel, 2-4-1 Hirakawa-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo (http://www.toshicenter.co.jp/e/index.html). This conference is organized with the collaboration of Korean Society of Nephrology, Chinese Society of Nephrology, and Asian Integrated Nephrology Forum (AINF) of JSN. The topic is IgA Nephropathy. Several invited speakers from three countries will talk about the topic. The first Conference was held in Tokyo on March 22, 2008 in Tokyo, the second was on March 21, 2009 in Shanghai, China, and the third was on March 13, Saturday in Seoul, 2010. For more information: jck@mtoyou.jp or http://www.jsn.or.jp.

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The 5th Asian Forum of CKD initiative

  (Updated on Jan.17.2011)
The 5th Asian Forum of CKD initiative will be held in Dong Fang Hotel, Guangzhou, China on March 18-19, 2011. This forum will be sponsored by the Japanese Society of Nephrology, the International Society of Nephrology, the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, and Chinese Society of Nephrology, and will be organized by the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University.
The theme of the forum is "Management of CKD according to regional specificity". The members of AFCKDI workgroups will talk about registry, guideline and eGFR/Cr.
For more detail, please visit the following website, http://gzsums.net/yataihuiyi/en/1st/index.asp.

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